
College of 社会科学 & 跨学科研究 加州州立大学,萨克拉门托





Justin Wu

Asian Studies

Justin WuJustin以助理教授的身份加入亚洲研究项目. He completed his BS in Psychology and History at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, 他获得了硕士和博士学位.D. 北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校的亚洲历史专业. He studies modern East Asian history, with an emphasis on Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, and China. 他对民族主义特别感兴趣, 身份的形成, 社会运动, pan-Asianism, (反)殖民主义, 以及全球联系. He is also a devout football (soccer) fan and a lifelong supporter of AC Milan.




Giselle Dejamco Cunanan earned a doctorate in American Studies with a minor in sociology from Indiana University Bloomington. Her research documents the racial labor of student activism and examines organizers’ struggles to institutionalize ethnic studies. Giselle earned a master’s degree in ethnic studies from San Francisco State University where she also taught for Pin@y Educational Partnerships, a service-learning organization that develops and trains teachers in ethnic studies critical pedagogy. Her broader research interests examine the afterlives of empire as it relates to U.S.基于Filipinxs.

Rachel Lim


Rachel Lim

Rachel Lim is Assistant Professor of Asian American Studies in the Department of 民族研究. Her research engages Asian/American and Latina/o/x migration from a transnational framework, 重点是侨民, citizenship, gender, 比较种族和民族. 她获得了博士学位.D. 加州大学民族研究专业毕业, 并为多个学术和受欢迎的场所写作, including 《澳门博彩公司》, 牛津大学参考书目, Verge:全球亚洲研究, and 华盛顿邮报. 她目前的新书计划, 流动归属:往返墨西哥的韩国跨国移民,研究了韩国人在美洲的连续迁移.

Jasmine Wade


Jasmine Wade

Jasmine Wade joins the the 民族研究 department and Pan African Studies program as Assistant Professor. 她在加州大学戴维斯分校获得了文化研究博士学位. Jasmine's research examines lessons from Black and Indigenous science fiction and fantasy and the different ways we can think about those lessons and the struggles of Black and Indigenous communities as different but connected. She's working on a book that connects Black and Indigenous science fiction and fantasy to the manifestos of 社会运动s. 贾思敏很高兴能在世界各地教授黑人生活的课程, 黑人女权主义, 黑人电影和文学.

Ciobha McKeown


Ciobha McKeown

Dr. Ciobha McKeown joins the Psychology Department as an Assistant Professor with a specialty in Behavior Analysis. 在加入萨克拉门托州立大学之前, 乔巴开发了一个短期, intensive early intervention program at University of Florida Health's Center for Autism and Neurodevelopment. As such, Ciobha's research is focused in improving the quality of care of neurodiverse children. She also is passionate about extending behavior analytic methodology to infants with an elevated likelihood of being diagnosed with a neurodevelopmental disorder.




Dr. 凯瑟琳·沃伦是心理学系的新教员. 她是一名工业/组织心理学家,获得了B.A. and M.S. 她在加州州立大学长滩分校获得博士学位.D. 来自佛罗里达理工学院. 她的研究主要包括两个方面, 团队研究和多样性, equity, and inclusion research (DEI); however, she has recently begun researching the long-neglected intersection between teams and DEI. 她的研究主要集中在职场女性身上, 边缘员工的经历, 团队组成, trust in teams, 团队动力.




克里斯托弗•罗杰斯 is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at 加州州立大学,萨克拉门托. 借鉴批判种族理论, Abolition, and Care, Chris' work explores mechanisms of power (racialized and gendered) to conceptualize new pathways toward liberation through medical health/intervention, education, 集体联盟(i.e.组织、互助等.). At the heart of his reach and scholarly activities is the constant pursuit of challenging White supremacy, 在男权社会, 和heteropatriarchy. Lastly, Chris lives by the motto: "We do this until we are all healthy and free."

Nitika Sharma


Nitika Sharma

Nitika Sharma joins the Sociology department as an Assistant Professor. 她获得了博士学位.D. 来自科罗拉多大学博尔德分校. 在加入萨克拉门托州立大学之前, she was an Assistant Teaching Professor in the 民族研究 Program at Northern Arizona University. 她的教学和研究兴趣包括侨民研究, 种族与性别社会学, 亚裔美国人研究和难民研究. She draws on decolonial and feminist theoretical frameworks and uses qualitative methods to study the social and behavioral processes of marginalized groups of people and the identity making that emerges out of these processes.



丽贝卡•威廉姆斯Rebekah joins the Cooper-Woodson College Enhancement Program (CWC) as the Administrative Support Coordinator I (ASC I). Rebekah is currently on her way to becoming a double alumna of Sac State as she received her Bachelor's of Arts in Psychology from the university, 目前正在攻读硕士学位. Rebekah feels extremely blessed to have the opportunity to give back to CWC in this capacity because during her undergraduate years CWC greatly invested in her. 她是一位活跃的《澳门博彩官网》学者, 学生助理, 并担任CWC学生协会的财务主管. 作为项目的ASC I, 她计划执行CWC的领导支柱, scholarship, and service by ensuring that CWC scholars have the necessary tools and resources to excel, 不只是在节目里, 但在他们的大学和职业生涯中.

Laura Diep


Laura DiepLaura Diep joins the Education Insights Center as an Administrative Support Coordinator. Laura earned her BS in Managerial Economics from the University of California, Davis. 她在那里的时候, she worked as a financial wellness peer advisor and served as the advocacy coordinator for her college chapter of Nazun (Challah For Hunger). In the former role, she taught financial wellness to her fellow students. 在后一个角色中, she helped raise thousands of dollars for the Yolo Food Bank by baking and selling challah to the local community. A former transfer student, Laura is passionate about promoting accessibility and equity in education.

Aurelia Hayes


Aurelia Hayes

Aurelia joins the College of SSIS as an Integrated Advisor in the 学生的成功 Center. 她得了B.S. 加州大学圣克鲁斯分校社会学(社会创业研究)学位, 之后她搬到巴黎住了三年. 她得了个M.A. 巴黎索邦大学英语研究(研究方向)学士学位, 美国文化研究的跨学科项目, 语言文学. After working in both education and libraries, she graduated with her M.S. 2023年从萨克拉门托州立大学毕业, 专门从事职业咨询, and was a graduate counselor intern in the SSIS 学生的成功 Center. Aurelia began working full-time for Sac State as an International Student and Scholar Advisor during the Spring 2023 semester and is now excited to be back in the 学生的成功 Center, 与当前和未来的SSIS专业的学生一起工作. 她最喜欢的部分是与学生见面, 为学生介绍校园资源和机会, as well as helping students make connections between the classroom and the world of work. 在她闲暇的时候, 奥蕾莉亚喜欢户外活动, reading, 听音乐, dancing, and cooking.